Microsoft Exchange / Office 365 – Dynamics NAV integration
mit Connect Bridge

How to speed up your enterprise operations with Dynamics NAV with Exchange / Office 365 integration?

  • Integration between the two systems allows the users to access the email communication containing certain sales process within Dynamics NAV platform, without even leaving it. You can have all the correspondence between you and your customer available in NAV, and all your contacts and calendar appointments.
  • Having the information synchronized to Dynamics NAV hassle free further speeds up your business processes management. You won’t need to dig through an entire mailbox to find that one message from a particular customer.

Combine the financial power of Dynamics NAV with collaboration strengths of Microsoft Exchange / Office 365.

All dies und noch viel mehr ist möglich mit dem Connect Bridge-Integrationsplattform.

The smooth integration between NAV and Microsoft Exchange means that you easily and quickly navigate between the two applications. With the effortless workflow, your employees become more efficient and thus save precious time that can be used for other and more important tasks.

SicherheitDie Connect Bridge Plattform eliminiert stundenlangen Programmieraufwand und sorgt für eine schnellere, einfachere und sicherere Entwicklung der Synchronisierung zwischen Dynamics NAV und Exchange, wodurch Ihr IT-Budget geschont wird und die Produktivität steigt.

Mit der Connect Bridge-Plattform können Sie die Integration zwischen den Systemen ohne erforderliche Code-Kenntnisse innerhalb weniger Stunden sicherstellen, was sonst Wochen oder sogar Monate dauern würde.

No matter where your data resides, we can help you unleash its value, so you can make more informed decisions faster. With over 30 connectors for major enterprise systems, such as SharePoint, Exchange, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SugarCRM and Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can have all your key information at your fingertips.

Starten Sie die Verbindung zu/von all Ihren Geschäftsanwendungen mit einer einzigen Plattform. Testen Sie es 15 Tage lang kostenlos.

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