Active Directory – Dynamics NAV integration
con Connect Bridge

How to automate the process of adding new users from Active Directory to Dynamics NAV?

  • While the task of managing users within Dynamics NAV is the field of IT managers, they often are not aware about the specific permissions that should be assigned to each new user within the ERP system. Therefore this task is more and more the responsibility of Sales and Finance team, when it comes to new members on board.
  • The assigning of the permissions manually creates the problem of extra administrative costs associated with it, and probability of errors when creating roles.
  • Having a way to link and synchronize the roles to users automatically eradicates the issue of manual work and permissions data errors.

Con il nostro Piattaforma di integrazione Connect Bridge you can fully automate the process of Active Directory – Dynamics NAV integration. 

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Easy integration between Active Directory and NAV will reduce time required for the administrator to replicate the users passwords and credentials and improve productivity of other departments by automatically creating users, assigning them to groups and roles or by automatically deactivating users when their contract is terminated.

integrazione Connect Bridge Platform eliminates hours of coding work and ensures faster, easier and more secure development of the sync between Dynamics NAV and Exchange, saving your IT budget and letting productivity thrive.

  • Iniziare in pochi minuti
  • Rimanete nel vostro linguaggio di programmazione
  • Usufruite del nostro supporto tecnico gratuito

Connect Bridge Platform allows you to ensure the integration between the systems without code-knowledge required, in a matter of hours, which would otherwise take weeks or even months.
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